MHS sports, inclusivity

Grace Kaminski, sophomore and junior varsity player, in uniform at a Junior Varsity football game. Kaminski said how being one of the first girls on the football team is “amazing and empowering.”
September 20, 2022
First wrestling, now football: girls have begun to join male-dominated sports at Mundelein High School.
“Having [girls] in our program is outstanding,” Head Football Coach Vince DeFrancesco said. “Both girls do a great job and work extremely hard. They have fit in extremely well.”
MHS’ football program now has two girls: Senior and Varsity Player Devon Duym, and Sophomore and Junior Varsity Player Grace Kaminski.
“Both girls bring a great attitude and outstanding work ethic [to the program,]” DeFrancesco said.
Kaminski was also on the football team last year– her interest was sparked in 7th grade, when she thought “the team was cool.”
“[I wanted] to inspire girls and show them that they can do what a boy can do,” Kaminski said.
For Duym, on the other hand, the decision to join football was for a new experience.
“I just wanted to try something new, and since it’s my senior year I decided why not?” Duym said. “I knew there was already a girl on the team, [and joining] in December made the experience a little easier [with bonding] with the guys.”
Fortunately, even with girls added to the team, the dynamic is unchanged.
“We have a great program culture that really embraces all genders, races, and cultures,” DeFrancesco said.
Kaminski even adds how they “treat [her] with respect” and “don’t act differently.”
Duym noted how it “feels great trying something new” and “not being afraid of what others have to say.”
“I feel like the sport is definitely something to not be taken lightly, it’s a lot of work both physically and mentally,” Duym said. “I’ve been having a lot of fun though, and football has definitely made some major changes in my life.”