The average level of anxiety and stress that a person feels in their life is increasing every year. According to the American Institute of Stress, 33 percent of teens and college students feel more than average stress.
People’s lives are getting busier and more stressful with each day and sometimes it can feel like there is no relief. In reality, there are plenty of resources that can help a person struggling with mental health issues feel less alone. One of those resources comes with paws and fur.
Emotional support animals can be any domesticated animal. From a dog to a ferret, everyday pets and animals can provide some of the best support for a person in need.
People get pets usually because they love animals and want a loyal companion. Spending time with an animal can increase a person’s endorphins and make them feel happy and comfortable.
According to an article written by the National Library of Medicine,” Emotional work relates to wellbeing, providing companionship, and being a source of comfort when worried about everyday matters or specific illness matters.”
Emotional support animals aren’t only for people struggling with mental health. They can be a great resource for anyone who is simply feeling stressed out over school or home life.