Football is back, and in the full swing of it. With it comes fantasy football leagues, and some interesting punishments for the last place finisher.
Sophomore Elijah John had to get walked around on a dog leash as his last place punishment last year. John finished last year’s season with a very bad record of 3 and 11.
John said ,“It was one of the worst seasons I have ever had, it was very disappointing.”
John didn’t feel much embarrassment when getting walked around; he thought it was funny the whole time.
John mentioned that some teachers thought it was really funny, but others found it weird. He also mentioned that his friends had a blast walking him around, laughing the whole time. He blamed most of his failure on injuries as his first round pick got hurt in the second week.
John is off to a decent start this year, starting 1-1 in the first two weeks. The punishment for his league this year is whoever finishes last has to go out 3 miles into the woods near someone’s house and find their way back with barely any food, water, and no phone, and whoever finishes second to last has to record the whole thing.
John said that “finishing last this year would be way worse than last year.”

Senior Carson Cooper talked about the punishments in his league, and they don’t sound fun. He listed the two punishments that the last place finisher has to choose from. The two punishments are either the loser has to walk to Wisconsin with no phone and a paper map, or they have to run two miles and drink a full gallon of milk in that time.
Cooper said that “losing in the past was fine but losing this year would be deadly.”
In prior years, in his league they always talked about doing a punishment but never did. There was only a reward in the league as you would win the money from the league buy-in. In the past the league only cost $20 to get in. But this year it’s $50 so losing wouldn’t only mean you’re walking to Wisconsin, but you’re losing a lot of money too.
Freshman Blake Guenther mentioned that he enjoyed fantasy football for the funny punishments that happened. And no, it’s not walking to Wisconsin or getting stranded in a forest. His league’s punishment is that you have to ask a girl on a date with a cardboard sign.
“I can’t wait to watch the loser do the punishment,” said Guenther.
In the past, fantasy football used to just be for money. Now, people are taking it further, and some of the ideas for the punishments are becoming extreme.