Students Share Knowledge in the Literacy Center


MHS peer tutors who help students before school, during homeroom, and after school!

Adriana Feijoo, Centerspread & Business Editor

This year at MHS, the Literacy Center has implemented a new peer tutoring program. Students are able to head upstairs to the library, where the Literacy Center is housed, to get help from their fellow peers and teachers in subjects ranging from social studies to English.

According to Anna Grig, Literacy Center instructional assistant, this program benefits both the students and staff.

“Faculty will now have a resource that they can depend on, a support system, where if they do have students who are struggling in their classes, they can direct them to this peer tutoring program, where they can hopefully find a student they can connect with in order to do better in that class and have more confidence in their studies,” she said.

Through the peer tutoring program, students are able to receive help from their peers on their homework, get ready for tests, relearn and memorize material, learn organizational skills and receive help on their essays and document-based questions, also known by the students as DBQs.

“The benefits of being a peer tutor are, one, you get to help students that you see on a daily basis. Two, it really teaches you how to communicate what you understand to someone who is struggling with that given topic. Three, being a peer tutor really helps out faculty here at the high school. Many of these students wouldn’t attempt to do their work, but with the help of a peer tutor, they can overcome their mental obstacles,” said Junior Peer Tutor Shane Stanley.

This year, the program has 40 peer tutors and helps 1,000 students on average per month.

As a tutor, the students are able to freely choose when they want to tutor. They are able to help before school, during homeroom and after school.

With homeroom being the busiest time for students needing help, most of the tutors assist during that time.

Although the tutors have the ability to pick when they want to help, Grig said she asks tutors to maintain a consistent schedule so that she can pair tutors and students who work well together on a regular basis.

”My favorite thing about being a peer tutor is being able to help others with subjects that they are struggling in and then watching them learn and grow from that,” said Senior Peer Tutor Erin Grubb.

In order to become a peer tutor, a student must contact Grig for an application. Upon completing the application, he or she will then have to go through an interview process where the student will discuss his or her qualifications and availability.

When selecting the students to become a peer tutor, Grig said she does not look for an A-plus student or a specific GPA but rather for a student who is willing to help other people.

Although being an AP or honor student isn’t a requirement to becoming a peer tutor, Grig said that the tutoring program provides an opportunity for students who are in AP and honors classes to share their knowledge with kids who aren’t in them and maybe inspire them to take these higher-level courses.

If you are interested in helping your fellow peers by becoming a peer tutor, contact Anna Grig at [email protected] or head up to the Literacy Center for more information.